Vanja Radic Coaching – Review of The Coaching Year

The beginning of winter is always a great opportunity to slow down, to take in everything that has happened since the beginning of the year, to reflect on things, and to make review of the coaching year.

Most people in sports overall are high achievers, which means that they are most of the time heavy on the working hard and on the “go, go, go” energy! Always strive more, always reach higher, always achieve more!

Which is great, but equally important is to slow down at times, to integrate and to reflect on what and how is what has been done so far.

It’s equally important to embrace time for high achieving and hard work, but also it’s even more important to know how to slow down and to allow the time for deep integration of all learned lessons. 🙂



Every year around this time (during the month of December) I love doing my yearly reviews, and setting goals for the upcoming year.
I love recalling everything that I went through during the year professionally and privately. I love feeling deep gratitude for what I went through and seeing what are the areas for my further growth.

It’s not only about being on the go all the time, it’s also about selecting the direction in which we should go! ? ?


This year I made a few circles around the world.

Figuratively and literally.

I flew several times around the globe and I visited many different countries.

During 2022 I have traveled, worked, rested, and learned continuously across 3 continents – Europe, North America and Asia.

I have experienced new cultures, new ways of being, new approaches, new lessons in so many different areas of my life.
I caught myself being surprised with what my life looks like, how expansive and amazing it is, after talking to some new people and responding to their questions in several countries that I visited this year.

They would ask me where I’m from and where I live, and that question is a little bit funny to answer in my case… Because, originally, I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina, but I lived in Finland for 10 years and I am a Finnish citizen, but I moved to Canada in 2021, and nowadays I work in the Republic of Korea. ???

The usual reaction people have on that response is: “Wow, you are living a very exciting life!”

With which I agree. But living this kind of multidimensional life requires a lot of planning, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of inward time for reflection, gratitude, integration, a lot of constant change, constant learning and adaptation, and of course a big support from my Family.

To have a good quality of Life Journey forward, we need to be able to see where we came from, and to be grateful and appreciate every single aspect of that journey so far.



This year I was fortunate to work online with many coaches and goalkeepers from so many different countries world wide through my online coaching offerings. But also, I was honored to work with 4 national teams: Finland, USA, Canada and Republic of Korea.

I feel endlessly happy, grateful and proud to be able to do the job that I do, and to meet all the amazing people that handball keeps bringing into my life! 🙂

Besides these all amazing handball projects, I was lecturing for the first time as an EHF Expert for coaches at the EHF Master Coach Course, Module 2, in Porto.



All the people that I have met through handball enriched my life in so many different ways, and I am endlessly grateful for the gift of friendships, trust, humanity, loyalty, respect, kindness, humility, hospitality, professionalism, helpfulness, and trustworthiness!!! 🙂


I’d love it if you would share with me in the comments below (or via email) about if and how you reflect on all aspects of your life, and how do you do your year review?
And if you are not doing it, do you know why you are not doing it? And would you like to try it out?



Stay in Touch

You can let me know what topics you have the biggest challenge with in goalkeeper coaching by filling out this form.

If you would like to get updates about my online and in-person projects, my research papers, my creative projects (such as blog posts, books and e-books), about my ongoing and new online programs, please subscribe to my newsletter and then you won’t miss any updates and news.

Here you can find my online video courses: Level 1 Video Course for CoachesLevel 2 Video Course for CoachesSliding Technique Video Course and Agility Ladder Drills Video Collection with 102 drills.


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