Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

“One day people will look at you and say: be careful with her, she overcame everything that was meant to destroy her.”



That “one day” is now in my case, and if only I could tell you about ALL the things that I’ve had to overcome so far to get to where I am at this moment, right now..

If I could just tell you about al the challenges, obstacles and “impossibilities” that I had to become Strong enough to overcome…

But it doesn’t matter anymore, everything was meant to happen in the exact way as it did, and every single piece of my story was a necessary, important building block for who and where I am today.

Just remember, sometimes when you think that you know what your next step is – life might surprise you with what it has in store for you. It might be way bigger and better than what you could ever imagine possible for yourself!

So, have Trust! And stay open!
Know that you CAN DO IT!!! Whatever it is that you want in your life! And for as long as it’s in your thoughts – it’s there because you do have a potential to accomplish it!

Don’t let the occasional, expected challenges along the way stop you from where you are going!

So what if some people won’t like you?!
So what if some of them will say some bad things about you?
So what if some of them say that your work is not good?!
Not everyone is supposed to like you!
And not everyone is supposed to support you, either.

Learn how to find that sense of worthiness and strength inside of your own heart, and just keep going! And if you need that reminder, here it is: YES, YOU ARE WORTHY! AND YES, YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! ❤️

Be kind, keep good intentions, be honest, give your best in any given moment, be dedicated, work smart (not only hard), keep learning, listen, be ready to receive the feedback, help and inspire others whenever you can, and make sure to find Joy in whatever you decide to do! Because that Joy will inspire you to keep going and to keep moving Forward even when your feet get very, very tired.

And remember, if you need to rest – take some time to rest, that’s ok! Just never ever give up!

Never give up on your dreams!?❤️



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Here you can find my online video courses: Level 1 Video Course for CoachesLevel 2 Video Course for CoachesSliding Technique Video Course and Agility Ladder Drills Video Collection with 102 drills.


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