Handball goalkeeper training – explosive power


Handball goalkeepers have to perform a lot of quick movements in the goal to make all the needed save reactions.

Most of the goalkeeper movements are mainly performed from static positions and require fast, explosive actions to respond quickly to incoming shots.

Saving shots demands the activation of the entire body and represents a combination of complex motor structures performed with maximum speed. This makes the explosive power one of the very important things that should be included in goalkeeper training.

NOTE: Both high and low save reactions in this video are performed faster and in shorter range of motion than they should be performed. Low saves are not done with the proper deep side step and high reactions are shorter than they should be. This is done because of the accent on speed of the specific movement after few reps of more explosive movements with the barbell.


These exercises can be used in handball goalkeeper training during the pre-season or during the competing part of the season in the beginning of micro cycle.



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