EHF Webinar – Modern Goalkeeper Training


I am honored and proud that I was invited to take part in the first EHF Webinar on the topic of Modern Goalkeeper Training which was held  on July 31st, 2023.


EHF Webinar


Mattias Andersson and I were sharing the topic about modern goalkeeper training, and each of us gave our inputs and insights about it at the webinar.

We had the record of 1250 registered people for the webinar organized by the EHF, and I have got a great feedback about our presentations afterwards.

It was an honor for me to cooperate with Mattias and the EHF on this project, and I am looking forward to having some future potential cooperation as well.



I am deeply grateful that I can continue to share my passion, experience and goalkeeper coaching through the EHF as well!



Also, I would like to compliment the efforts and hard work of people from the EHF, for organizing the webinar on topic of goalkeeper training, and also for organizing the goalkeeper seminar in Vienna in October 2023, because we need more available educational and inspirational materials about goalkeeper training and coaching in handball world!

We can all always learn from each other, and we should never stop learning and improving our coaching skills!


If you saw this webinar, and if you have any additional questions, comments, or feedback, please do not hesitate to comment on this blog post, or to send me an email! I am always looking forward to responding to as many questions as I can, and to helping to as many coaches and goalkeepers as I can by sharing my experience and my knowledge.

I am so grateful for being able to do this kind of coaching job that I am so deeply passionate about!




Stay in Touch

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Here you can find my online video courses: Level 1 Video Course for CoachesLevel 2 Video Course for CoachesSliding Technique Video Course and Agility Ladder Drills Video Collection with 102 drills.


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