The Basic Stance of Handball Goalkeeper

The Basic Stance of Handball Goalkeeper

The basic stance of a handball goalkeeper is the most optimal position of the goalkeeper’s body that allows the goalkeeper to most effectively use her/his body as a defensive area, and to react to high, middle or low shots in the fastest and the most practical way.



Features of the Handball Goalkeeper Basic Stance

  • The upper arms are raised up, but not in too tensed position, bent in elbows;
  • Looking from the side – the elbows are or in the line with the shoulders, or little bit in front of the shoulders;
  • Palms are positioned near the head so that the goalkeeper can see them peripherally, which means that while looking straight ahead – goalkeeper should be able to see her/his palms with the outside corners of the eyes. This is very important because of the “eye-hand” coordination (the ability to guide the movements of the hand with the eyes). Goalkeepers, who are on the basic level, are recommended to control their hands and palms positions. In later stages, every goalkeeper will adjust its basic stance and arms position based on their goalkeeper style;
  • Palms are open towards the ball, with widespread fingers;
  • Core and back are straight;
  • Body is just slightly bent forward in the hip joint – good basis for activation of thigh abductors;
  • Legs are not wider than the shoulders;
  • Knees are slightly bent – due to the fast activation of the front thigh muscles which are involved in many reactions;
  • Body weight is equally distributed on front part of the feet ( but NOT on toes!);
  • The feet are parallel to the direction of shot;
  • Goalkeeper body is square parallel to the shooter’s hand with the ball.




The Most Common Mistakes in Basic Stance

  • Fingers pointed towards the direction of the ball
  • Keeping fingers together – too tensed
  • Unnecessary movement of hands in basic stance just before high save reaction(putting hands down and then lifting them up)
  • Hands are too low- it makes it more difficult to save high shots
  • Hands are in front of the face
  • Straight knees- delay in goalkeeper reaction
  • Legs too wide – difficulties in reacting on high shots; or legs too close
  • Body weight is not evenly distributed on both legs
  • Body weight completely on toes
  • Feet completely on the floor
  • Leaning with the body backwards


The Importance of Learning Proper Goalkeeper Technique

Every goalkeeper has to learn the correct basic goalkeeper technique.
Later, with time and experience every goalkeeper will develop its own style, and then are possible deviations from the proper technique of basic stance. Experienced goalkeepers have the right to do those deviations because they have very extensive tactical and technical knowledge, and they know how to compensate any exception from the basic technique.

In correct goalkeeper stance it is the easiest to accompany actions, that is to move in front of the goal.
Moving in front of the goal in basic goalkeeper stance is one of the most important elements of the goalkeeper technique.

If you want to learn more about proper goalkeeper stance, how to move in proper goalkeeper stance, and anything else connected to the basic goalkeeper technique – you should check out my Level 1 Video Course for coaches!  🙂



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Here you can find my online video courses: Level 1 Video Course for CoachesLevel 2 Video Course for CoachesSliding Technique Video Course and Agility Ladder Drills Video Collection with 102 drills.


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